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Building Adobe Illustrator with You

Building Adobe Illustrator with You

Adobe Illustrator revolutionized design by partnering closely with the design community. The rapidograph gave way to the pen tool because countless designers, marketers, and illustrators partnered with us to build the first vector-based design program in 1987. More than 30 years later, the culture of partnering with the community is very much infused into our DNA. Every day, Illustrator’s team of designers, engineers, scientists, and product managers work tirelessly to gather feedback from our millions of users. Whether connecting through social mediaforums, or emails, we’re listening and are hungry to hear more. To that end, we invite you to join us in the journey to build Illustrator together. Here are just some ways you can get involved:

Get early access to Illustrator features with Beta programs

Every year, we release multiple updates to Adobe Illustrator for the desktop — and as you may have heard, we recently announced that Adobe Illustrator is coming to the iPad. For both the desktop and iPad versions, you’ll have the opportunity to get early access to features like 100X canvas before anyone else to explore and test. Here’s how:
  • Adobe Illustrator on Desktop: For some users, you may be able to access Beta builds of Illustrator from the “Beta apps” tab in the Creative Cloud Desktop app on your computer. We are rolling out the Beta program gradually to all Creative Cloud members. In the meantime, if you don’t see the Beta available, you can request more info here.
  • Adobe Illustrator on the iPad: Illustrator will soon be coming to the iPad. In the meantime, we are accepting applications to join the Beta program for Creative Cloud members who have an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil. Apply for the Illustrator on the iPad Beta program here.
Request new or share feedback on existing features Whether you’re participating in the Beta program or not, your feedback shapes all of our releases. There are multiple ways for you to be involved in building the product with us:
  • Illustrator UserVoice: We launched UserVoice so you can log, track, and vote on new features or bugs. Here you’ll discover what others are requesting and the latest status of those requests.
  • Facebook and Twitter: Join us on Facebook and Twitter to get the latest news on Illustrator. These channels feature webinars and information on the latest product updates. Most importantly, you can always tag these accounts or or send a direct message to connect with our team.
  • Adobe Beta forums: The Adobe Beta forums, a.k.a. Prerelease forums, are open to any Creative Cloud member. In these forums, you’ll have the opportunity to join in vibrant discussions on features and road-map requests directly with the product team.

Stay up to date with what’s new in Illustrator

With each release of Illustrator, we introduce new capabilities that let you express your vision in completely new ways, as well as powerful new features that accelerate your productivity. These updates sometimes overshadow the vast amount of small improvements. For example, this year alone we have addressed over 100+ issues and delivered 22+ enhancements. Here are some ways that you can discover and make use of all the value in each Illustrator release:
  • New features and enhancements: There are multiple ways you can stay up to date with the new value that’s added. You can find the most detailed list of changes with each release on We have also incorporated this list within Illustrator itself. When you launch Illustrator, be sure to look out for a “What’s New” featurette in Home.
  • Fixed issues and bugs: While we fix multiple issues and bugs with each release, not every fix is relevant to you. The best way to stay in the know about relevant fixes is by submitting or upvoting an issue on UserVoice. When you do so, you are automatically notified when the issue is resolved by the team.

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TAG: Tech, tech, apple, windows, bootstrap, html5, css3, javascript, responsive, design, branding, logo, graphic, desain, love, artwork, graphics, computer, indirabali
