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Breaking Down Barriers with AI-Powered Creative Assistants

Breaking Down Barriers with AI-Powered Creative Assistants

As increasingly intelligent and adaptive technologies become the norm, everything from how we shop to how we get — and stay — healthy, to how we communicate will morph and evolve. And, it’s clear, artificial intelligent (AI) technologies will shift our collective creative processes in a big way. That’s where we’ve been heavily focused — on innovative ways AI can enhance the creative process. Adobe Creative Cloud features powered by Adobe Sensei enable customers to enhance and expedite their creative processes by removing the rote and automating the mundane. This same workflow automation and artistic freedom is what we envision when we consider the role of intelligent assistants in the creative process, something the Adobe Sensei team is digging into as part of this creative evolution.

The role of the intelligent creative assistant

Creative assistants leverage machine-learning technologies to connect users with tools, capabilities, content, support, and inspiration to enable their workflows and creative output. By addressing the productivity challenges for creatives, a creative assistant can amplify human capabilities while providing inspiration and fueling creative freedom. These capabilities — plus the power of AI to teach, motivate, and support — will make creative assistants powerful tools to help drive creatives forward. Here’s how we see these AI-powered tools changing the way people learn, create, and evolve. 1. The tutor that takes you from novice to expert Advanced software tools can seem complex and intimidating — and many creatives are resistant to new technology that changes their processes and workflows. An AI-powered creative assistant could make learning more contextual and intuitive, helping even novices learn the skills and strategies they need to achieve their creative vision quickly and easily. For example, a designer working in a vector graphics software may try to bring an image into the mix. When they do, a creative assistant would prompt them to make image edits in a photo editing tool and guide them to the most likely features they’ll need to use based on who they are and what they’re trying to do. Immediately, the designer is more efficient and effective thanks to that quick lesson — and in the future, they’re able to get similar jobs done faster, and perhaps even better. As Contextual AI technology continues to grow, we will see more assistant technology that understands human context and is a collaborative partnership between humans and AI-powered assistants. This targeted support not only helps users learn how to use tools, but also helps them achieve the outcome they’re envisioning without the frustration — and while delivering more value to their organizations and clients earlier on. 2. The best intern you’ve ever had AI has the power to alleviate many tedious and repetitive tasks and to be that smart and amazing intern you’ve always wanted to find. While your intelligent intern is cropping, retouching, and color correcting, for example, you’ll be able to focus on your creative vision. Color permutations are a great example that we’ve been piloting with customers. It would take a trained designer hours to lay out multiple color permutations. However, a creative assistant could lay out dozens, instantly, based on color theory. From there, it’s easy for you and your team to view options and decide what works and what doesn’t, then apply choices with a quick click. What’s more, though, with each interaction, your smart assistant can capture and respond to your intent, context, and profile data, building a relationship that grows with you based on shared experience, use, and time. 3. The greatest, most proactive muse A creative assistant could drum up inspiration in real-time — and that’s exciting for creatives at every level. But more than just inspiration, these sidekicks could act as always-present muses, understanding and reacting to past patterns as well as real-time behaviors. Armed with that present and historical information, then, your creative assistant could suggest visuals — pulling in images from your image library, stock marketplace or favorite creative community. At the same time, these intelligent tools could also work to get your juices flowing when you’re feeling stuck — showing suggested compositions or bringing together multiple images from different sources or past work, for example, to inspire an “a ha!” moment or breakthrough.

AI impact on the creative landscape

The emergence of increasingly intelligent and adaptive experiences will fundamentally change how people work over the next five to 10 years. Creatives want technology that helps them get the job done, tools and workflows they can rely on to behave as expected, and that can make their work easier. An AI-based creative assistant has the power to help our customers reach their fullest
 creative potential, accomplish goals, 
and tell their story—in a way that is 
simple, easy, and fun. Our global user base gives us an unparalleled source of insight into how people create and we’re currently exploring how to bring a creative assistant to life across our products. Watch for more details on our creative assistant. In the meantime, meet some of my Adobe Sensei Creative Assistant team colleagues, Andrei Stefan and Brian Erikkson, and hear about the challenges they are focused on.

Source | Google Images | Youtube

TAG: Tech, tech, apple, windows, bootstrap, html5, css3, javascript, responsive, design, branding, logo, graphic, desain, love, artwork, graphics, computer, indirabali
